Saltus Series

Saltus Series of paintings, while highlighting the fragility and precariousness of our forests that are endangered by Mountain Pine Beetle infestations, are multi layered. These paintings reference the stages of the pine tree's journey as it experiences healthy strength, pitch tubes, egg chambers, fungus rings, starving death, fire and charred remains. They are a connection to our collective memories of forest as well as a memory of the forest itself expressed through the mark making of the vegetation. They are an aesthetic expression of the life of the endangered forest. These abstracted expressionistic paintings are a metaphor for loss but also for enduring energy and presence.

Other Series:
Saltus Illuminati
Saltus Series
Forest Sojourns

Forest Passages
Skyline Series
Durrand Series
Mistaya Series
Spanish Series

Hot Spot
70.5" x 18"
acrylic on lexan

19" x 12"
acrylic on lexan

Fired Up
36 " x 35.5"

acrylic on lexan

Growth 1
24 " x 30.5"

acrylic on lexan

Growth 2
48 " x 20"

acrylic on lexan

30 " x 13"

acrylic on lexan

15.5 " x 30"

acrylic on lexan

Chambers 1
36 " x 18"

acrylic on lexan

Chambers 2
12 " x 48"

acrylic on lexan

© Arlene Wasylynchuk 2012